La guía más grande Para kit digital asturias

Elige las soluciones digitalizadoras del Kit Digital que mejor se adapten a las deposición de tu negocio.

Cuando te concedan el bono, podrás elegir el desarrollador Interiormente del catálogo de agentes digitalizadores

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Se ofrece un bono digital con una ayuda económica que permite ceder a una o varias soluciones digitales de las disponibles en el catálogo y que son ofrecidas por Agentes Digitalizadores.

Cumplimiento de los requisitos de accesibilidad de conformidad con el nivel AA de las Pautas WCAG-2.1. con el fin de proporcionar la navegabilidad a personas limitaciones de capacidad sensorial.

Unfortunately, I wanted to request the digital kit for the company website, it was the first thing I said and... emphasized several times, at that time I had been self-employed for 2 months and it was not possible but when they delivered it to me I had been 6 and if it was possible, they did the invoice prior to 6 months, you see for submitting the invoice 8 days later, what a problem when it belonged to the same quarter, and I lost the help of the digital kit and I paid the integrated website 2400 euros of which 2000 would correspond to me and I should have paid 400 VAT if they were lícito, but since you are a newbie you make the envelope, after losing the kit they told me that I can ask for help with positioning or social networks, of course they are ready to give you another 2000 more from the state for the improvement kit and social networks if I make the improvements and total take you by the face 4800, when I was clear and it should be 2000 of new web creation.They told me that they would give me training to manage the website, and it turns demodé that a return was not included in the training, they tell me that it is not basic by all accounts, that it is more basic than a return in a store??? A sale?? A devo, an exchange and a sale are basic in the daily life of a store, but not for them..., because of course kit digital asturias they tell you to buy the support for that, which is 600 euros more, and that they will not be for you working exclusively, amazing!!!Gentlemen, devos are basic in stores and must be included in the training, then if we do not find trasnochado we will hire support, but do not kid us, nor do you want to deceive us in this way.

I did not like the experience with this company at all, the website took longer to do it than they had said and then... once it was finished they do not help you with any query that you need to do without paying.

Elige las soluciones digitalizadoras del Kit Digital que mejor se adapten a las deyección de tu negocio.

Si lo que necesitas es realizar la compraventa de productos o servicios, la tienda online será tu mejor aliada. Dentro de esta categoría podemos encontrar tres soluciones de tienda online:

Los autónomos en módulos tienen hasta el 22 de abril para renunciar al régimen y sobrevenir a estimación directa

Si necesitas ayuda para tramitar el Kit Digital en PRISMA ID te lo ponemos acomodaticio. Contacta hogaño y adelanta los pasos necesarios para nominar la mejor decisión al mejor precio. O pídenos información sobre las ayudas sin compromiso.

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Diseño y definición de la táctica de negocio: Reproducción de la táctica de negocio para alcanzar la consecución de los objetivos deseados orientando los bienes disponibles hacia dicha finalidad.

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